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Thursday, April 27, 2017

This Tip May Save Your Life

I’ve got some important information to share today from the American Society of Home Inspectors. It regards your smoke detectors and what you should do if they are old or outdated.

I’ve got a very important message to share with you today about smoke detectors. When is the last time you switched yours out? I’m not talking about the batteries; I’m talking about the device itself.

I recently went to a very important meeting where the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) was there to give us some lesser-known facts about smoke detectors that I think you should be aware of. 

They recommend you throw out the detector that utilizes ionization versus photoelectric sensor. In addition, a smoke detector older than 10 years is ineffective. Another thing they mentioned about older detectors is that they utilize ionization as opposed to photoelectric sensors. Ionization detectors are less responsive by 30 to 60 minutes, which could mean the difference between you getting your entire family out of a burning house. Those detectors are also less susceptible to go off if you just burn a roast or a pizza in the oven. 

You should change your unit every 10 years.

Look on the front, back or inside of the unit. Check for the word "Photoelectric" (or the symbol "P") or the word "Ionization" (or the symbol "I"). Also if there’s any mention of radioactive material, like Americium 241 or Illerium 231, it’s an ionization model and should be switched out for a new photoelectric one.

If you have any questions about this or any other topic relating to your home or real estate, give us a call or send us an email. We would love to hear from you.